Modern Times代理品牌Decka quality socks ,正式於我們極喜愛的男士皮鞋店TASSELS - Gentlemen's Shoe Store上架了。
喜歡男士皮鞋的朋友,對Tassels一定不陌生,他們就是如傳說般存在的美國皮鞋Alden Shoe Company的香港代理,另一個當店品牌就是來自法國的Paraboot,確實是極之厲害的皮鞋專家,大家有空一定要去逛逛,店員們都很友善,店主Victor更是非常健談,如你有任何疑問,他們一定可以給你專業的意見。
今年是Modern Times成立第八年,除了是Select Shop,Modern Times的另一個分身就是Distributor,很榮幸得到 Leather Factory Roberu、 Anchor Bridge、 Morno及CLAUSTRUM等各工匠的信任,成為他們唯一授權的海外代理。2021年,我們業務上的一個重要發展,就是得到Decka委託,擔當Decka於香港及澳門地區總代理,極之榮幸。將我們喜歡的品牌,透過更多友好商店,帶給更多具有品味的客人,這個過程,令品牌、友好商店、顧客及我們,大家都獲益,大家一起發展進步,世上哪有這樣好的事情?業界的朋友,如果你對Decka或我們其他代理品牌有興趣,想將他們引入自己店中,歡迎隨時聯絡我們。
Decka quality socks is officially launched in our favorite TASSELS-Gentlemen's Shoe Store. Friends who like men’s leather shoes are no strangers to Tassels. They are the Hong Kong authorised dealer of the legendary American Alden Shoe Company. Another signature brand is Paraboot from France. They are powerful leather shoes experts - especially the co-founder Victor. If you have any questions, they will definitely be able to give you professional advice.
This year marks the 8th anniversary of Modern Times since its founding. Apart from a select Shop, another role of Modern Times is a distributor. It is an honor to be trusted by Japanese craftsmen such as Leather Factory Roberu, Anchor Bridge, Morno, Claustrum, and become their sole authorized overseas dealer. In 2021, an important development in our business is to be entrusted by Decka, the Nagoya handmade socks brand, to act as the exclusive distributor of Decka in Hong Kong and Macau. It is a great honor. Bringing our favorite brands through more friendly stores to more customers - this process will benefit everyone, and we will develop and progress together. Friends in the industry, if you are interested in Decka or any of our brands and want to introduce them to your store, please feel free to contact us. ___________________ . MODERN TIMES STANDARD LIFE STORE www.moderntimes.hk ・ 香港上環德輔道中306號余氏大廈3/F,電梯按3字 3/F, Yue's House, 306 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong ・ 【Enquiries 查詢】 【Tel. / WhatsApp】+852 5401 3806 【Email】info@moderntimes.hk 【WeChat / Line / Weibo】moderntimeshk