由我們Selector為大家嚴格挑選,來自世界各地優質生活配件,是Modern Times由創立至今一直不變的方針。來自日本箱根的Mobile Gear設計團隊ROOT CO.加盟到Modern Times的陣容中。ROOT CO. 團隊相信,「數碼科技」與「戶外生活」並不相違抗,反之,熱愛大自然的朋友透過數碼科技,將自然之美分享給更多朋友知道,從而讓自己對大自然的欣賞之情更深刻。亦因為這個理念,他們專注於創造兼備機能、設計及保護性的Mobile Gear。
Surrounded by smartphones and gadgets in a digital world, we love nature even more. ROOT CO. is based in Hakone, Japan, where mountain breeze carries the scent of the forest into our office. Why do we design products for electrical gadgets? Because we don’t think digital technology stops people from enjoying nature, like some outdoor enthusiasts believe. We think taking advantage of technology can make life richer. That was our starting point. Take a high-res photo of the beautiful scenery and share it with the one you love. Capture your feelings and share them with the world, let virtual connections deepen and enrich your experience of the nature. Our products will be there to support you. We want you to be the first one to enjoy these experiences. That’s the root of our creativity — ROOT CO.