Leather Factory From Japan
由2007年開始,Leather Factory Roberu工匠們每天不間斷的,以雙手製作出各種精彩的優質皮革商品。自2013年成立起,Modern Times已受Roberu創辦人岩元慎治 (Shinji Iwamoto) 先生委託,擔任Roberu於中國、香港及澳門的總代理。來到2015年9月,Modern Times正式成為日本以外地區的官方認可網店。各位可以在這個獲得Roberu授權的網上商店安心揀選全系列Roberu產品。商品種類將會不停更新,如有任何查詢,可以跟我們聯絡。關於Roberu的詳細介紹,可到這裡細閱。
Ever since 2007, the expert craftsman at Leather Factory Roberu have continued to create a wide array of high quality leather products. Since 2013, Modern Times has been appointed by Roberu founder Shinji Iwamoto as the official reseller / distributor for Roberu brand products in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau. In September 2015 Modern Times has also become the first authorized online store to sell their products outside Japan. Our customers are always assured they are receiving the most authentic and high quality Roberu products. Our website is always being updated with new products so make sure to check back often. For any enquiry, you are more than welcome to get in touch with us. For more info on Roberu, please refer to our section about Leather Factory Roberu.