Tools 道具之本・復活
Real Stuff For Future Classics
Users Guide Book 2019
《Tools》「Real Stuff For Future Classics」第一部於2011年由講談社出版,第二部於2012年出版。同樣共分四章節:「Shed & Shelter」、「Work To Do」、「Land Use」及「Feel At Home」,以這四個選物主題來嚴格挑選來自世界各地的生活道具,一出版已成為讀者們的聖經級專書,愛藏者眾多。至今仍收到很多查詢,但已是一冊難求。七年後的今天,第三部終於由Akatsuki Press / Oakla出版,以室內造型師作原文子為首的創意團隊「MOUNTAIN MORNING」從美國、歐洲、日本等地嚴格挑選,不受時間限製的高水平製品多達三百多件,被《Tools》專書指名的商品,昂然進入經典殿堂,亦成為所屬領域的頂尖兒。這一張悉心揀選的名單,對熱愛生活的人們絕對有參考價值。
In 2011, based on the concept of "Tools for creating food, clothing and shelter," the ultimate lifestyle catalog Tools (Kodansha), which proposed the values of living that are not influenced by trends and consumption, and created a major movement. The second edition, published the following year, was sold in nine countries around the world, including the United States, Germany, and France, and received a great deal of attention. The third release of the series is the long-awaited release from Akatsuki Press / Oakla Publishing for the first time in 7 years! Members of the creative community "MOUNTAIN MORNING" focused on interior stylist Fumiko Sakuhara carefully selected about 350 items. This is a must-have book that archives the values of the times through tools.
我們雜誌社分部Modern Times Magazine Dept.嚴格挑選我們喜愛的雜誌跟大家分享,亦會為客人找尋舊期刊,歡迎查詢。
Delivered by Modern Times Magazine Dept.
Tools 2019
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【預定到貨時間 Estimate Delivery Time】約二至三星期 Approx. 2-3 Weeks
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Due to limited supply, if the item you ordered is in stock, we will send it out via EMS or registered mail within 3 business days. If the item you ordered is out of stock, we will request a backorder immediately; the process usually takes around 4-6 weeks.
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