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Popeye Vol. 893

Popeye Vol. 893


2021 Sep Issue


“真夏のホラー大冒険”  (仲夏恐怖冒險)

它很火、很可怕,令人悸動 — 本來打算作為10多頁的專題,卻漸漸欲罷不能,變成一本超過70頁的「恐怖」專書 (也許是《Popeye》首個恐怖特集?)


恐怖片的流派多種多樣:電影、文學、電視劇、漫畫和遊戲等,每個人的喜好自然不同。記得開始時我看一部非常害怕的電影,幸運地已忘了細節 (雖然是非常恐怖的體驗);後來我越看得多,卻越上癮。以喪屍、史蒂芬‧金 (Stephen King)、金田一 (石坂浩二版本) 開始,一遍一遍,新舊交織,促成這一場「仲夏恐怖冒險」。


特輯內容豐富,從閱讀20世紀恐怖電影史、史蒂芬‧金研究,到概括恐怖基礎知識的「HORROR's ABC」入門,與及恐怖主題T恤時尚專題等。一起投入最火熱、恐怖和刺激的夏天!


“Summer Horror Adventure”

It's hot, scary, and throbbing — I was planning to announce it as a book-in-book for the summer with more than 10 pages in combination with some other special features, but as the swelling project began to grow, I noticed that it became a whole book “Horror". So, this is a horror issue with more than 70 pages (Maybe Popeye's first horror feature?)


There are various genres of horror, such as movies, literature, dramas, manga, games, etc., and each person's favorite world is naturally different. First of all, what kind of work did you like? As I remembered, I started a movie that I was scared of watching. Fortunately, I forget the details (although it was a pretty horrible experience), and the more I watch it, the more I get hooked. Beginning with zombies, Stephen King and Kosuke Kindaichi (Koji Ishizaka version), going over and over, weaving old and new, we are quickly doing a “Summer Horror Adventure" issue.


The special features include "the history of horror movies in the 20th century" and "all about Stephen King", with "HORROR's ABC" that summarizes the basics of horror from the latest works to masterpieces. There are also fashion projects such as "the story of T-shirts with a horror motif". How about a hot, scary, and thrilling summer?


我們雜誌社分部Modern Times Magazine Dept.嚴格挑選我們喜愛的雜誌跟大家分享,亦會為客人找尋舊期刊,歡迎查詢。


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Popeye Vol. 893

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