Lightning Vol. 372
2025 Apr Issue
“Focus On Sweat Shirts!”
ヴィンテージから新作まで ボクらの定番はスウェットだ!” (從古著到新作,我們的定番衞衣)
本期我們將深掘春季主役單品 — 衞衣 (Sweat Shirts)。衞衣最早出現在1910年末,作為運動服使用,其名稱源自「Sweat」一詞,具有良好的吸汗功能。帶有學校或球隊名稱的氈絨字母款式、附帶的連帽衫、羅紋和身體不同顏色的雙色設計,以及人氣反向編織等,出色細節和設計只有舊時代衞衣才具有的魅力,現在仍然讓人著迷。
為了證明這一點,許多品牌 (不僅是美國休閒品牌) 都在生產基於古著但經過更新,或忠實再現古著細節和質地的衞衣。今回特集匯集各種各樣衞衣單品,包括印花、圖案和學院風衞衣新作,Pherrow’s古著復刻衞衣 (最早開始生產古著復刻品的公司之一),以及具有歷史背景的軍用衞衣。我們也迎來一位古董衞衣收藏家,向我們展示古董市場上極為罕見的珍品。利用對眾多衞衣品牌和美國零售商目錄進行時代考証所獲得的知識,向我們徹底解說衞衣的歷史演變、重要術語,以及如何識別古著衞衣。我們將從各個角度探索衞衣魅力 — 它已從簡單的運動服演變為現在的標準時尚單品。
“Focus On Sweat Shirts! ”
In this issue, we will delve into the main focus of spring sweatshirts. Sweatshirts, which were born as athletic wear in the late 1910s, are derived from the word "Sweat”, and were developed to absorb sweat well. The excellent details and designs of vintage sweatshirts, such as models with felt letters of school or team names, attached parkas, two-tone with different colors for the ribs and body, and the popular reverse weave, are charms that only sweatshirts from the good old days had, and they still attract many people today.
As proof of this, many brands, not just American casual brands, are producing sweatshirts that have been updated or faithfully reproduce the details and texture based on the vintage items. In this special feature, you can see a large number of sweatshirts in one place, including new catalogs of prints, graphics, and college sweatshirts, vintage replica sweatshirts from Pherrow’s, which was one of the first to start producing vintage replicas, and military sweatshirts that give a sense of historical background. We also invited a vintage sweatshirt collector to reveal his treasure-class collection, which is considered rare in the vintage market. Based on the knowledge he gained from historical research into numerous catalogs from sportswear brands and American retailers, he gave us a thorough explanation of the history and evolution of sweatshirts, the terminology you need to know, how to identify vintage sweatshirts, etc. We will delve deeper from every angle into the appeal of sweatshirts, which have established themselves as a standard item in fashion from simple athletic wear.
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Lightning Vol. 372
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