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Lightning Vol. 370

Lightning Vol. 370


2025 Feb Issue


“いつの時代も映画がボクらの教科書だ” (電影一直都是我們的教科書)

在網路普及之前,電影引領潮流並向我們展示什麼是Cool。它讓我了解遙遠的美國文化,有時也打破了我的某些刻板印象。這是一部特別的電影,它將帶你重溫那些令人興奮的時刻。我們詢問了受電影影響較大的咖啡店和商店店主,這些電影塑造了他們的品味和思想。有的從主角的生活方式中了解自由,有的了解外國的艱困歲月,有的受到時尚影響。請欣賞那些給我們留下深刻印象的作品的熱情介紹。不僅是服裝,還有許多與電影相關的古董物品:例如作為角色和故事情節一部分,深受喜愛的靴子。此外,不要錯過比一般人看過更多戰爭電影的本誌編集長松島親方與編集部成員小川高寛 (モヒカン小川) 的戰爭電影討論。


“Our Movie Chronicle”

Before the Internet was widespread, movies created trends and taught us what was cool. They introduced us to faraway American culture, and sometimes even shattered stereotypes. This is a special feature on movies that will bring back those exciting moments. We asked cafe and shop owners who were greatly influenced by movies — about the movies that shaped their tastes and thoughts. Some learned about freedom from the protagonist's way of life, some learned about the unfortunate times in foreign countries, and some were influenced by fashion. Please enjoy the passionate introductions to the works that impressed them. It's not just costumes, but also many coveted boots that fit the role and story, and vintage items related to the movies. Also, don't miss the war movie conversation between Atsushi Matsushima, the editor-in-chief of Lightning, who has watched more war movies than the average person, and the editorial staff member Mohican Ogawa.


我們雜誌社分部Modern Times Magazine Dept.嚴格挑選我們喜愛的雜誌跟大家分享,亦會為客人找尋舊期刊,歡迎查詢。


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Lightning Vol. 370

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