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Lightning Vol. 365

Lightning Vol. 365


2024 Sept Issue


"スニーカー履こうぜ" (穿運動鞋吧)







"Explore Awesome Sneakers"

There are many reasons why sneakers are popular in the summer. First, the bright colors and strong contrast color scheme create a sense of the season and brighten your mood. It's fun to choose sneakers with summery colors that go well with your clothes, and they're sure to be useful as an accent to your outfit. Summer is also the season for more outdoor activities. For this reason, sneakers that are lightweight, easy to walk around in, support the ankles and soles of the feet, and are easy to move around in are especially useful for camping and trekking.


Also, in the sneaker market, retro sneakers in particular are attracting attention as a combination of their vintage feel and modern arrangement, making them easy to follow fashion trends. In recent years, high-tech sneakers that make full use of technology have appeared on the market from many brands, and their advanced cushioning and comfort-oriented designs make them less tiring and comfortable even when worn for long periods of time. As a result, sneakers have become more than just a fashion item, they have become an important support for everything from daily wear to active lifestyles.


In other words, the reason why sneakers are chosen for casual summer style is that they are seasonal, comfortable, and fashionable. Sneakers continue to evolve, becoming increasingly diverse and closely tied to people's lifestyles. That's why in this issue, we loudly proclaim, "Let's wear sneakers!!"


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Lightning Vol. 365

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