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Lightning Special Book Vol. 183

別冊 Lightning Archives Special Vol. 183


2018 Jun Issue


“ヴィンテージウォッチ” (Vintage Watch)

美國流行文化誌《Lightning》,支線「別冊 Lightning」專門製作愛藏級專書,今天我們要為大家介紹的「Vintage Watch」特集,為大家嚴選傑作古董腕錶,極具參考價值。「Brown Change」(経年変化棕色錶盤)、「焼けトリチウム」 (氚氣夜光顯示)、「鏡面錶盤」、「圓頂擋風玻璃」… 這些都是古董錶術語。古董時計業蓬勃發展,以至這些術語一個接一個誕生。全世界錶迷都在尋找下一款稀有錶型,其關注度體現在各個型號的價格上 — 這就是為甚麼與10年前相比,流行型號價格飆升的原因。這是一本指南,讓你可以明智地在如此動蕩的古董手錶世界中行走。嚴選156款包括頂級勞力士 (Rolex) 運動錶,Tudor、Omega、軍用及計時碼錶等的完整保存版,涵蓋規格與當前市場價格的必讀一冊。


“Vintage Watch”

“Brown Change”, “Burnt Tritium”, “Mirror Dial”, “Dome Windshield”... these are all vintage watch jargons. The vintage watch industry is booming so much that these terms are born one after another. Fans around the world are looking for the next rare model, and its attention is reflected in the prices of various models. That's why popular models are soaring compared to 10 years ago. Here is a guidebook-like book for wisely walking around such a turbulent vintage watch world. With top Rolex sports model, Tudor, Omega, military, chronograph etc.,156 notable watches are carefully selected. A complete book that covers not only the specifications but also the current market price.


我們雜誌社分部Modern Times Magazine Dept.嚴格挑選我們喜愛的雜誌跟大家分享,亦會為客人找尋舊期刊,歡迎查詢。


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Lightning Special Book Vol. 183

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