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Casa Brutus Vol. 299

Casa Brutus Vol. 299


2025 Mar Issue


“美しい本の森へ” (走進美麗的書本森林)

正如暢銷書《なぜ働いていると本が読めなくなるのか》(為甚麼工作使你無法閱讀) 所示,儘管很明顯成年人越來越不願意讀書,但似乎出於某種原因,圖書館、微型圖書館和書吧等被書籍包圍的美麗空間正在興起。尤其近年來,新圖書館紛紛落成,不僅建築優美動感,圖書陳列、選書、標誌規劃、家具選擇等也都別具匠心,並增設咖啡館,注重與書相遇、閱讀的體驗。在當今世界,閱讀正在成為一種非日常的活動,將自己置身於一個可以沉浸在書籍中、被人們的智慧和歷史所包圍的空間也許很重要。它也承擔著當地社區中心和獨立於社會的角色。我們將在這個新時代展示全國各地各種規模的圖書館和書店!


“Book Forest”

As the best-selling book Why Working Makes You Unable to Read shows, while adults are increasingly turning away from reading, it seems that beautiful spaces surrounded by books, such as libraries, micro-libraries, and book cafes, are somehow increasing. In particular, in recent years, new libraries have appeared one after another, focusing on the experience of encountering books and reading books, not only for their architectural beauty and dynamism, but also for their ingenious book displays, book selections, signage plans, furniture selections and for the addition of cafes. In this day and age when reading is becoming out of the ordinary, it may be important to be in a space where you can immerse yourself in books, surrounded by people's intellect and history. They have also taken on the role of being the center of local communities and a place separate from society. In this new era, we will feature libraries and bookstores of all sizes across the country!




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Casa Brutus Vol. 299

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