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Casa Brutus Vol. 287

Casa Brutus Vol. 287


2024 Mar Issue


“居心地のいい照明術” (舒適照明術)

這是清涼、澄明空氣使光線更明亮的季節。嚴冬的家裡,你不想擁有美麗的燈光嗎?LED在2010年代開始流行,使照明系統變得越來越自由。光產生的陰影也為空間增添色彩。「一室一灯」已經過時了嗎…?如何使用柔和、有時令人感動的光,例如大自然的光線?一旦你決定選擇甚麼,下一步就是如何使用它。如何使用照明可以讓房間變得更舒適 — 專業人士建議、巨匠著名建築範例… 我們從各個角度徹底探索改變房間印象的照明術。


“Cozy Lighting”

It's the season when the cool, clear air makes the light shine brighter. Don't you want beautiful lighting in winter? LEDs became popular in the 2010s, allowing more and more freedom in the shape of lighting. The shadows created by light also color the space. One light per room is already old...? How to use light that is soft and sometimes evokes emotion, like the light found in nature? Once you have decided what to choose, the next step is how to use it. How you use lighting can make a room more comfortable. Advice from professionals and architectural masterpieces... we explore lighting techniques that completely change the impression of a room from various angles.




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Casa Brutus Vol. 287

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