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Casa Brutus Vol. 283

Casa Brutus Vol. 283


2023 Nov Issue


“フランク‧ロイド‧ライトと日本” (Frank Lloyd Wright與日本)

現代建築三位大師中,Frank Lloyd Wright與日本淵源最深。除了今年秋天慶祝開幕100週年的第二代帝國酒店本館外,山邑太左衛門邸 (現為淀川製鋼迎賓館)、自由学園明日館等建築依然存在。他也是葛飾北齋和歌川廣重等浮世繪藝術家的熱衷收藏家,並保存了他在日本主要弟子之一遠藤新設計的許多建築。日本建築師田根剛將繼承Wright的遺志,擔任東京帝國酒店新本館的設計建築師。豐田市美術館也將時隔26年在日本舉辦「Frank Lloyd Wright」展覽,而本誌也時隔22年首次對Frank Lloyd Wright進行專題報道,聚焦其與日本的關係!


“Frank Lloyd Wright and Japan”

Of the three great masters of modern architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright has the deepest connection to Japan. In addition to the second-generation main building of the Imperial Hotel, which celebrated its 100th anniversary this fall, buildings such as the Yamamura Tazaemon Residence (currently Yodokou Guest House) and Jiyu Gakuen Myonichikan still exist. He is also an avid collector of Ukiyo-e paintings by artists such as Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige, and has preserved a number of buildings designed by Arata Endo, one of his leading disciples in Japan. Japanese architect Tsuyoshi Tane will inherit Wright's will as the design architect for the new main building of the Imperial Hotel Tokyo. The Toyota Municipal Museum of Art will also hold a “Frank Lloyd Wright” exhibition for the first time in Japan in 26 years. Therefore, this is the first special feature on Frank Lloyd Wright in 22 years focuses on its relationship with Japan!


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Casa Brutus Vol. 283

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