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Casa Brutus Vol. 282

Casa Brutus Vol. 282


2023 Oct Issue


“アートを巡る秋の旅” (秋季藝術之旅)

石川縣在今年秋季的藝術之旅中尤其值得注目。被稱為最後一個藝術節的「奧能登國際藝術節2023」將於9月23日在能登半島尖端的珠洲市舉行,展示從塩田千春的現有作品到坂茂的日本海沿線壯麗景色。在金澤,明年即將迎來開館20週年的金澤21世紀美術館當然是傑作,而私立當代美術館KAMU Kanazawa也在不斷擴建。此外,從David Hockney、杉本博司及Ryan Gander的個展,到Gerhard Richter的永久空間,話題展覽和景點陸續出現。為你介紹今年秋天務必參觀的日本藝術景點!


“Art Trip”

Ishikawa Prefecture is especially noteworthy for this fall's art trip. The "Oku-Noto Triennale 2023", which is called the last art festival, will be held from September 23rd in Suzu City, the tip of the Noto Peninsula, and will feature works ranging from existing works by Chiharu Shiota to Shigeru Ban's spectacular view along the Sea of ​​Japan. In Kanazawa, the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary next year, is a masterpiece museum; and the private contemporary art museum, KAMU Kanazawa, is also continuing to expand. In addition, popular exhibitions and spots are appearing one after another, from solo exhibitions by David Hockney, Hiroshi Sugimoto and Ryan Gander to a permanent space by Gerhard Richter. Here are some Japanese art spots you should experience this fall!


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Casa Brutus Vol. 282

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