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Brutus Vol. 901

Brutus Vol. 901


2019 1st Oct Issue


“Stylebook 2019-20 A/W


定番の一歩先行くマスターピース” (超越標準的傑作)

「Fashion Issue」是《Brutus》每年推出兩本的重頭特集,三月與九月,正是春夏及秋冬季度開始之時。2019年秋冬季度特刊以「Well-Made」為主題。《Brutus》編集部相信,衣橱要不斷檢示更新,歷史悠久的品牌亦會隨著時代而變化。不論是突破時限的好產品,又或是本季新商品,編集部以「Well-Made」為選物標準,創建一個《Brutus》獨特視角中的Well-Made百科全書。想要完成自己的永久收藏,本回特刊絕對是極具品味的參考書。


“Stylebook 2019-20 A/W


A Masterpiece That Goes One Step Ahead Of The Standard”

Items called standard are also updated according to the times. That's why the wardrobe needs to be constantly reviewed. This issue “Stylebook 2019-20 A/W: Well-Made”. I made a fashion dictionary that collects masterpieces of the new era. From good things that have been loved for many years to new classics that you want to keep for posterity, we will dig deep into the dictionary format of "A to N"! Complete your own permanent collection from over 200 items.


我們雜誌社分部Modern Times Magazine Dept.嚴格挑選我們喜愛的雜誌跟大家分享,亦會為客人找尋舊期刊,歡迎查詢。


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Brutus Vol. 901

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