Brutus Vol. 878
2018 Oct Issue
服の学び場” (時裝學習場所)
「倫敦現正蓬勃發展」— 聽到這樣的傳言,《Brutus》立即飛往倫敦。英國繼續釋出脫歐和皇室婚禮等全球新聞。在時尚界,第一位黑人被選為英版《VOGUE》新主編,Kim Jones從Louis Vuitton轉到Dior Homme,傳統品牌Burberry標誌煥然一新。看來我們現正處於一個轉折點。因此,在2018年秋季的時尚特輯中,重新被關注的倫敦將作為指定的「時裝學習之地」。專注於當今男裝時尚界的關鍵男士,以及讓他們成長的地方:我們找到了學習的關鍵。
Stylebook 2018-19 A/W”
"London is booming now" — Upon hearing such a rumor, Brutus flew to London. Britain continues to receive global news such as Brexit and Royal Weddings. In the fashion scene, the first black man was selected as the new editor-in-chief of the British version of VOGUE, Kim Jones moved from Louis Vuitton to Dior Homme, and the traditional brand Burberry renewed the logo. It seems that we are at a turning point right now. Therefore, in the fashion special feature of fall 2018, London should be noted again, and it will be designated as a "learning place for clothes". Focusing on the key men in today's men's fashion world and the places that support their growth, we have found the key to learning.
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Brutus - Vol. 878
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