Brutus 特別編集 合本 Special
2020 Apr
“新・珍奇植物” (新・珍奇植物栽培圖鑑)
多肉植物、仙人掌… 種類族繁不及備載,用罕見都感覺不足以形容,以充滿個性的方式和我們一起生活在地球上,說它們是大自然的藝術品一點也不為過。珍奇植物,有些光是外觀就已經令人驚豔,再仔細深入研究便會發現,它們的可愛真是一絕。繼上回推出珍奇植物圖鑑主題特集大受好評,今期《Brutus》再加碼推出更新進化版,單元首先介紹日本國內引以為傲的珍奇植物栽培品種,接著前往世界各地展開奇妙旅程,從南非到沙漠地區,一起看看在嚴苛條件與環境下仍舊屹立不搖,充滿生命與活力的不思議植物大觀園。
“Bizarre Plants Handbook”
Succulents, cactus… there are too many species to be stocked, and they are not enough to describe them. They live with us on the earth in a unique way. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are works of nature. Some of them are already amazing just by their appearance. If you study them carefully, you will find that their cuteness is truly amazing. Following the introduction of a special collection of rare plant illustrated books last time, which was well received, this issue of Brutus has also launched an updated and evolved version. Introducing the rare plant cultivars that Japan is proud of, and then travels to various parts of the world to embark on a wonderful journey from South Africa to the desert area. Let's take a look at these “unbelievable botanical garden” that still stands unshakable under harsh conditions and environments, full of life and vitality.
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Brutus Special - Bizarre Plants Handbook
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