Magazine Dept.
日本及歐美雜誌深入獨特的取材角度,讓它們擁有著媲美書本,超越時限的價值。Modern Times以「Standard Life Store」為定位,搜羅世界各地具質素的生活配件,如皮革用品、帽子、襪子和皮鞋。同時,亦為客人們搜羅世界各地具質素的雜誌,除了《Popeye》、《Brutus》等日本雜誌的最新期刊外,亦提供訂購Back Issue及各類特刊服務,歡迎查詢。所有雜誌於Modern Times實體店發售,最新及Back Issue雜誌歡迎親臨店內參觀選購。今天開始,由我們為大家嚴選的雜誌,亦全部於Modern Times Magazine Dept.網店上架,接受郵購。足不出戶就可享快遞直送,雜誌愛好者請勿錯過。
Magazines are well known for digging deep into their respective topics, making them closer to books in quality and similarly retain a sort of timelessness. Modern Times has always held to the concept "Standard Life Store", therefore finding the most interesting and best quality accessories ranging from leather goods, hats, socks and leather shoes has always been our mission. Naturally, this passion extends to our taste in magazines as well, in addition to the latest issues of Popeye and Brutus; we also provide back issue ordering. Magazines are available in our Sheung Wan store, so feel free to stop by to check out our current selection. Starting today, Modern Times Magazine Dept. online store also accepts mail order. Magazines lovers don’t miss it!