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Quality & Basic | Japan Made
由Decka團隊組成的日本製服裝支線Hue。使用美國Cotton製作 — 產自加州群山包圍的廣闊農田中央谷地 (Central Valley) ,由融雪地下水種植而成的棉花,是世界上最乾淨的棉之一;即使經過多次洗滌,也能保持結實與蓬鬆度。有彈性同時有一定體積感的面料,就是Hue的原創面料。
Hue is an apperal line founded by Decka crew. All items are made in Japan. Made by Cotton in the United States — Produced in the Central Valley, a vast farmland surrounded by mountains in California. The cotton grown from groundwater from melting snow is one of the cleanest cotton in the world; it remains strong even after repeated washings. Hue's original fabrics that are elastic and have a certain sense of volume.
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