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Modern Times的手工精品品牌,由開始時的三個,到了今天已經發展至超過二十個了。每一個都是由我們Selector嚴格挑選,希望組合世界各地不同風格的工匠作品,呈現出Modern Times的世界。今天要介紹的,就是來自日本的黄銅配飾專家Diarge,由日本工匠手工精製,以黃銅為中心點,配合其他材質如日本產皮革等,製作成精緻的生活配件。除了造工,別出心裁的包裝亦是另一焦點,例如以玻璃瓶作包裝的Key Holder及Shoehorn,是極富心思的禮物。2022年全新品已於Modern Times上環店及網店上架,歡迎大家來參觀。
Diarge, a Japanese brass accessories expert, is handcrafted by Japanese craftsmen. With brass as the center point and other materials such as Japanese leather, Diarge is made for exquisite living. In addition to the craftsmanship, the ingenious packaging is also another focus. For example, the key holder and shoehorn in glass bottles are very thoughtful gifts. The 2022 new products have been launched in the Modern Times Sheung Wan store and online store.
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