【THE AGED BEAUTY 經年變化 ‧ MADE IN USA】Filson Small Field Bag - Otter Green 在愈用愈有味道的經典Filson Small Field Bag上加上襟章作點綴,是十分不錯的構思。附有皮革肩帶。體積較細小,男女均合用。 STYLE #70230 MADE IN USA by Filson. Storm flap with buckle closure. 3 stow pockets, 2 bellows pockets. Reinforced base for heavy loads. Removable, adjustable 46"-long Bridle Leather shoulder strap with pad. Interior brass key clip. |
【THE AGED BEAUTY 經年變化 ‧ HANDMADE IN JAPAN】Roberu Half Fold Wallet 一位VIP客人使用約半年的Roberu Half Wallet,他揀選的配色是Camel,本來是啞光表面Ground Leather,油份慢慢從皮革中滲出,如今色澤已變得極為醇厚,這就是我們常說的經年變化。由日本工匠全人手以天然染製牛皮革製成,皮革紋理深刻,質感獨特。沿用Roberu的早期設計-皮革不規則的切邊處理,表現出具天然氣息的風格,是現行款式中較為少見的。皮革柔軟而內裡間隔以風琴式設計,間隔豐富,容量極大。銀包背後亦有收納卡的間隔,並烙印上Roberu字樣,十分精美。備有Brown、Black及Camel色調選擇。 Roberu signature flap and accordion design. Well-organised compartments for bills and cards. One interior zipped pocket for coins. Snap buttons closure. Natural dye calf leather. Handmade in Japan. |
【THE AGED BEAUTY 經年變化 ‧ HANDMADE IN JAPAN】Roberu iPhone 5s/SE Case - All Black 今天,一位VIP客人來探我們,帶來了使用了約一年,狀態絕佳的Leather Factory Roberu iPhone SE Case,皮革、彈性布料與縫線都是全黑的,專屬於iPhone SE / 5 / 5s的顏色配搭。日本手工精製。 Compatible with iPhone 5s/SE. Leather covering the home button has specifically been cut out to make way for the touch sensor, allowing users to directly put their finger on the Touch ID area to unlock the phone. Ability to plug in earphones, adjust the volume, and charging the phone can all be done without removing the leather sleeve casing. Natural dye leather. Handmade in Japan by Roberu. |
【THE AGED BEAUTY 經年變化 ‧ HANDMADE IN JAPAN】Anchor Bridge Italian Leather Billfold Wallet & Roberu iPhone 6 Case 兩位來自澳門的VIP客人來參加我們與金社合作Popup Store開幕活動。這兩位客人在我們初始時代已成為我們VIP,感激一直支持。圖中是他們每天隨身皮革物:Anchor Bridge Billfold Wallet及Leather Factory Roberu iPhone 6 Case,當中更有出自岩元老師手筆的限定刻印。 Anchor Bridge Billfold Wallet. Etrsuco leather from Conceria Walpier, Italy. Well-organised compartments for bills and cards. Anchor Bridge gold logo. Handmade in Japan. Roberu iPhone 6 Case. Compatible with iPhone 6/6s, iPhone 6/6s Plus. Leather covering the home button has specifically been cut out to make way for the touch sensor, allowing users to directly put their finger on the Touch ID area to unlock the phone. Ability to plug in earphones, adjust the volume, and charging the phone can all be done without removing the leather sleeve casing. Natural dye leather. Handmade in Japan. |
【THE AGED BEAUTY 經年變化 ‧ HANDMADE IN GINZA TOKYO】CLAUSTRUM iPhone 7 Stand + Holder Black Matte 客人傳來的照片 — 經過數月使用,天然刮㾗浮現,變得極具個性,感激支持。Claustrum專為iPhone 7設計,以高強度不銹鋼製成。背後Flip設計可作手指Grip或Two Way Stand之用。日本手工精製。 Claustrum For iPhone 7. iphone holder + stand. High strength stainless steel. Flap as two-way stand or grip. Handmade in Japan. |
【KANAMONO 金社 X MODERN TIMES POP UP STORE・ 29 JUL - 11 SEP 2017】 金社是我們的友好店,有著接近的理念,其中最重要的一個共通點,我們大家都從創立開始,不間斷的嚴格挑選於品牌發源地精製的生活配件。何謂「於品牌發源地生產」?舉個簡單的例子,來自美國西雅圖的百年品牌Filson,自創立至今,每件製品都於西雅圖總部內製作,完美符合「於品牌發源地生產」,這亦是Modern Times挑選品牌的標準。以此作為選物標準的店子其實很罕見,而2011年創立的金社就是與我們享有共同理念的店子, Modern Times㨂選的是隨身物,如袋子、手造皮革物等;金社主要售賣五金精品、燈具及家品裝置 -日本製金屬工具箱、德國製拉尺、美國製鎚子等等,每一樣都呈現該國獨有的設計美學。 We share the same vision with our friend “Kanamono” Hardware Store — Selecting the best hardware tools from Japan and all around the world, Kanamono was established in 2011 and is also devoted to find the best items for customers — from Japan made metal toolbox, measuring tape from Germany to US hammers, each showing the country's unique design aesthetics. |
今年夏天, Modern Times與金社合作開設期間限定店,我們會將Modern Times上環店改裝成金社期間限定店。由金社社長及Modern Times Selector共用挑選各樣精品 ,將位於大坑的金社再現於上環,期間限定店共分為三個主題: 1. 金物週 (7月29日 - 8月14日):展出五金精品,如歐洲古董掛勾、日本製工具箱等。【完滿結束】 2. 戶外週 (8月15日 - 8月28日):以戶外生活為主題,如野外用照明用品等。【完滿結束】 3. 選物週 (8月29日 - 9月11日) :生活精品選物週。 限定店期間,金社更會首度推出自家品牌Kanamono Goods作限定發售。是次合作是我們雙方的重大嘗試,藉着這企画,分享 Modern Times及金社對生活的想像,令人十分期待,謝謝各位支持。 This summer, Modern Times collaborates with Kanamono Hardware Store and presents our first pop up shop in Modern Times Sheung Wan Store. All items are handpicked by both of us and divided into three themes: 1. "Tools" Week (29 Jul - 14 Aug): the hardware boutique — such as European antique hook, Japanese toolbox and so on.【Ended】 2. "Outdoor" Week (15 Aug - 28 Aug): the outdoor life — such as outdoor lighting supplies.【Ended】 3. "Select" Week (29 Aug - 11 Sept): the lifestyle tools — lifestyle goods selection. During the period, Kanamono Hardware Store will also launch its own limited brand “Kanamono Goods” for the very first time. Thank you for your support |
【03 選物週 SELECT WEEK · 生活TOOLS】Army Green Foldable Storage Modern Times x 金社期間限定店第三主題選物週Select Week正式開始,金社社長為大家嚴選了一系列金社Best Seller。日本製折疊式收納箱,極之罕見的軍綠色,更可高機動性的摺疊,前方更有活門,可另加活輪底板。美觀與功能最高結合,是我們的重點推薦。 Army Green foldable storage. Made In Japan. 【Size S】538W X 366D X 334H mm; 49.7L 【Size L】649W X 439D X 327H mm; 76.2L 【店長示範 Video】 |
【03 選物週 SELECT WEEK · 生活TOOLS】4 In 1 Storage Container 4 In 1 Storage Container,可將Hardware、Daily Stuff、Hand Tools、Stationery分門別類。 Set of 4 storage container. Material: PVC. 【Size S】197W X 125H X 45D mm 【Size M】207W X 140H X 54D mm 【Size L】220W X 155H X 60D mm 【Size LL】235W X 170H X 70D mm 【Colour】White / Black / Navy / Green / Khaki / Light Blue / Orange |
【03 選物週 SELECT WEEK · 生活TOOLS】Open / Closed Slider Sign 設計簡潔的開店告示牌,黑底螢光「Open」字體醒目,白板向上推即變成「Closed」;白板部分可用英文字母、數字粒拼出如店名和營業時間等;附有吸盤,方便貼在玻璃櫥窗上。美國製造。 Clear & smart design. Made In USA. 【Size】355W X 505H X 20D mm 【Colour】Green / Orange |
【成為 MODERN TIMES VIP】 為答謝大家長期支持,今天我們正式開始全新的VIP計劃。由即日開始,凡於實體店或網店www.moderntimes.hk購物滿HKD$2,000,即可成為VIP會員。除以後購物可享九折購物優惠外,更可獲贈Modern Times精美禮物一份,送完即止。我們亦會不定期推出VIP尊享購物優惠,敬請留意。 Thank you for your support. We have launched a new VIP plan today. Shop HKD$2,000 and become our VIP member! Apart from receiving a Modern Times welcome gift, you will enjoy all VIPs’ privileges and a 10% discount on regular priced items every time you shop in store and online. |
【MT MAGAZINE DEPT. NEW ARRIVAL】剛到著Modern Times的最新期刊 —《Popeye》8月號「Curry特集完全保存版」,足足介紹了151軒,喜愛吃咖哩飯的客人務必要收藏的一冊。Available in Modern Times Sheung Wan Store. 【請即訂閱 SUBSCRIBE NOW MODERN TIMES SELECTS】 《MODERN TIMES SELECTS》是我們一個連載式的電郵通訊專欄,各位曾在我們網店購物的客人、VIP會員等都會收到。每周都會分享我們團隊的日常見聞,並報導店內大小Happenings、各種單品詳細介紹、各品牌最新消息及優惠等。還沒登記的朋友可以到www.moderntimes.hk訂閱,就能定期收到會員專屬的通訊了。 Subscribe to MODERN TIMES SELECTS to receive our latest updates on Modern Times new arrivals, happenings, special offers, as well as demos on featured products. Subscribe now www.moderntimes.hk ____________________________ 【MODERN TIMES STANDARD LIFE STORE】 上環德輔道中306號余氏大廈3/F 電梯按3字 (近西港城電車站) 【營業時間 Hours】 星期一至五 Mon to Fri 1 - 8pm 星期六及日 Sat & Sun 1 - 6pm www.moderntimes.hk |